Development↦Protocol↦Formal Structure↦Requirements
What is it? Why is it important?
Writing a study protocol follows a set of formal structures that include a:
- Study title
- Title and signature page
- Table of content
- List of abbreviations
- Synopsis
- Scientific Content
- List of references
- List of appendices
The title and signature page(s) include:
- The study title
- Study registration / identification number
- Name address of the SP-INV (study responsible)
- Study type (e.g. risk-category, study phase, clinical non-clinical)
- Name of the investigational product (e.g. IMP/IMD)
- For a multi-centre study, name and address of participating Site-INVs (site responsible)
A synopsis, which:
- Is a brief summary of a planned study, downsized to only one or two pages
- Provides a better study oversight than a full protocol
- Must not contradict the protocol or other study relevant documents (i.e. essential documents)
- Stands on its own and makes no reference to the full protocol
What do I need to do?
As a SP-INV:
- Select a protocol template applicable to your study from the swissethics homepage (i.e. templates provide the required formal protocol structures)
- Name your protocol and ensure the document remains clearly identifiable (e.g. e.g. study code, SP-INV, pharmaceutical company involved, protocol version number, page number, date of release)
When deciding on the protocol title ensure it:
- Conveys the idea or aim of your study. This will “set the stage” from the very beginning
- Is different from other or similarly named studies
- Includes the target population
- Includes the overall study design
- Includes relevant keywords needed for search engines to locate the study
- Is limited to 12 – 15 words (i.e. a good title uses a minimum of words to describe the main study idea)
By including all relevant information, a full study title can be rather long, making referencing difficult. Thus, provide the study with an added but much shorter title, or give it a catchy acronym.
Where can I get help?
Your local CTU↧ can support you with experienced staff regarding this topic
Basel, Departement Klinische Forschung, CTU,
Lugano, Clinical Trials Unit, CTU-EOC,
Bern, Department of Clinical Research
Geneva, Clinical Research Center, CRC,
Lausanne, Clinical Research Center, CRC,
St. Gallen, Clinical Trials Unit, CTU,
Zürich, Clinical Trials Center, CTC,
External Links
Swissethics – see in particular
- Templates / Checklists / “Flowchart to assist with the use of the template”
- Templates / Checklists / Study protocols / Requirement for study protocols according to HRA
ICH GCP E6(R2) – see in particular guideline
- 2.0 Principles of ICH GCP
ISO 14155:2020 Medical device (access liable to cost) – see in particular sections
- 4 Summary of GCP principles
- 68 Clinical investigation planning, conduct and termination
SAMW – see in handbook ”Research with Human subjects”