Conduct↦Ethics and Laws↦Premature Study Termination↦ReportingTimelines
What is it? Why is it important?
The termination/discontinuation or interruption of a study must be notified to the Ethics Committee (EC), and if applicable Swissmedic within:
What do I need to do?
As SP-INV notify:
- EC by:
- Submitting a notification form of study discontinuation or interruption via BASEC (e.g. the EC submission portal)
- Swissmedic by:
- Completing a “FO submission form” available on the Swissmedic website (e.g. the Swissmedic submission portal)
- Submitting the document(s) by post, both in paper and electronic form (CD)
With study / research project discontinuation or interruption, provide details and rational as to why the study was stopped.
File notification forms in the TMF.
Where can I get help?
Your local CTU↧ can support you with experienced staff regarding this topic
Basel, Departement Klinische Forschung, CTU,
Lugano, Clinical Trials Unit, CTU-EOC,
Bern, Department of Clinical Research
Geneva, Clinical Research Center, CRC,
Lausanne, Clinical Research Center, CRC,
St. Gallen, Clinical Trials Unit, CTU,
Zürich, Clinical Trials Center, CTC,
External Links
Swissethics – see in particular
- Templates and Checklists / Notifications / Template: Notification of the completion or discontinuation of the clinical trial or research project
Swissmedic – see in particular
- BW101_10_003e procedures to follow once the study is finished, or has been interrupted prematurely
- FO-template: BW101_10_019e_FO confirmation electronic submission
Swiss Law
ClinO – see in particular articles
- Art. 38 Notification and reporting upon completion, discontinuation or interruption of a clinical trial
- Art. 57 Transplant studies -notifications and reporting
- Art. 62 Other studies - applicable provisions
ClinO-MD – see in particular article
- Art. 36 Reporting the conclusion, termination or interruption of a clinical trial
HRO – see in particular article
- Art. 22 Notification upon completion or discontinuation